
Before You Refix Your ANZ Mortgage

As mortgage advisers we have helped people refix their mortgages over the years, ands it does not matter if that mortgage was arranged directly with the bank, with another mortgage adviser or by one of our team

There are a few reasons that people like to have an adviser to help, and we will outline those here. When we help refix a mortgage we always take the time to review more than just the interest rates too.

Five Key Reasons To Talk With An Adviser

Review your loan structure – it’s always good to review how your mortgage is structured to ensure that it is working the best way for you. Even if you considered this carefully when you arranged the mortgage, life and finances do change and therefore you may want to review how you have things set up. This is very noticeable at the moment as the interest rates and therefore mortgage repayments have increased.

Focus on paying off your mortgage – while you have a mortgage, almost everyone would prefer to have it paid off one day and the sooner the better. When you refix your mortgage it’s a good time to make adjustments or to refocus on paying it off faster. Has anyone at ANZ told you that you can increase the repayments on a fixed rate home loan? You can increase your regular repayments towards your home loan by up to $250 a week without being charged an Early Repayment Recovery (terms apply) and that makes a huge difference over time.

Get the best interest rates – an adviser should be able to get you the best home loan interest rates offered by ANZ, and if ANZ are not offering a good enough rate then the adviser will negotiate with the bank to get them to reconsider what they can offer you. As advisers we know what the other banks are offering, and that gives us a bit more leverage with banks like ANZ – we want to keep them honest and make sure that you are not paying too much.

Review any other debt or financial requirements – it’s a good time to talk about any of your other finances too. Often you may have a credit card or debt that is at a higher rate in which case it may be worth considering consolidating that to get the lower mortgage rates. Other times you might have the need for money in the future and that can often be arranged in advance or at least have options considered in advance.

Compare to other options – just because you have your home loan with ANZ does not mean that this is the best option for you. Depending on your situation it may be that there is a better option for you, and of course ANZ (or any bank) is not going to tell you to consider going to another bank – but we will if we think that it’s better for you.

Plus One More!

We should also mention that when we review you mortgage it’s a free service to you.

It’s something that we have never charged for as the bank pay us to review your ANZ mortgage, but for a limited time the bank is also going to pay you $50 for reviewing and refixing your mortgage with one of our advisers.

That’s right – ANZ will pay us as the adviser for helping and then will pay you $50 too.

It’s Simple To Get Started

As advisers we just need you to give us the authority and basic details (or a reference) of your loans.

We will then source the best interest rates and arrange to discuss your options, and will help review things too.

A simple review with one of our mortgage advisers will take no more than 15-minutes.

It could save you quite a bit too.

Complete the simple form to get started:

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