What do you want from a finance blog?
We’re guessing that you want good information about all things finance related.
That’s what we have been told, and therefore we do our best to provide updates on a wide range of topics. We help a lot of first home buyers and have New Zealand’s most popular Facebook Group dedicated to them. We also deal a lot with new build finance and non-bank finance as well as the major banks.
We also like to add some stories too as these often help explain how our mortgage advisers can help.
Discussing First Home Partner on Radio NZ
Today I was invited to discuss what has happened to First Home Partner on Radio New Zealand’s Nine to Noon. We discussed what First Home Partner is and how it has helped people, but also the…
Advantages Of Having A Westpac Mortgage Manager
Banks have moved away from providing mortgage managers, but you can still have an adviser that works as a Westpac mortgage manager for you. That’s right, a good adviser will work for you. There are some…
4-Steps For First Home Partner
First home buyers are seeing Kainga Ora’s First Home Partner as a good way to get into a first home, but we’re hearing many people that find the process confusing. This is very evident from comments…
Buy An Existing Home With First Home Partner
You may have heard that Kianga Ora has expanded the shared ownership scheme (First Home Partner) to now allow eligible people to buy existing homes as well as new builds. This is effective from Monday 14th…
Are You Feeling Poorer?
A lot of Kiwis are saying that they are feeling poorer as inflation bites, and the fact is we have had our purchasing power reduced – quite significantly too! Did you know that your purchasing power…
How Shared Home Ownership Works
Shared home ownership has become more popular in New Zealand but there is still a lot of people that have not considered it as an option for them, and maybe there is a lack of knowledge…
An Adviser Can Help You Manage Your Home Loans
Often people think that a mortgage adviser just helps you get a home loan, but they can help you manage your home loans too. People that have used a mortgage adviser to help review and manage…
Westpac Offers Greater Choices
Now Westpac are offering a “Greater Choices” home loan that allows you to borrow up to $50,000 interest free for five years to help you create a warmer, drier, healthier and more energy efficient home or…
A New Option Of Shared Home Ownership
We’re about to announce a new option of shared home ownership, and it may suit people that like the concept but are not eligible for Kainga Ora’s First Home Partner. First Home Partner is a good…
Why You Should Review Your KiwiSaver Today
Kiwis can be too complacent and not always focus on the important things with their finances, like KiwiSaver. The majority of people have their KiwiSaver with a bank or with the provider that they were automatically…
When Should I Refinance My HSBC Mortgage?
Today HSBC says it has stopped accepting any new retail banking customers in New Zealand and will be telling existing customers to start engaging with other financial services providers. HSBC says it’ll wind-down its New Zealand…
Learn How We Prepare A Mortgage Application
As a mortgage adviser I’ve been asked a lot of questions over the years, but two that often pop up are: Why should I use a mortgage adviser? What do you do to get home loans…
Is The Window Closing?
Are you an aspiring first home buyer or potential property investor and wondering when is the right time to buy? If you are then you are not alone – as mortgage advisers we are hearing people…
Before You Refix Your ANZ Mortgage
As mortgage advisers we have helped people refix their mortgages over the years, ands it does not matter if that mortgage was arranged directly with the bank, with another mortgage adviser or by one of our…
Small Business Finance Made Easy
Why do the main banks make small business finance so hard? Businesses of all sizes big and small need access to finance at times and unfortunately in New Zealand most banks require a mortgage over your…
What Is The Best Mortgage Type To Have
One of the key roles for a mortgage adviser is to provide people on what is the best mortgage type to have. Of course the other key roles include arranging the mortgage and getting competitive interest…
When Your First Home Loan Is Out Of Reach
When we started the Kiwi First Home Buyers Group over 10-years ago house prices were lower and the group was smaller. Over the preceding years the group has grown to about 60,000 members and we have…
Tyler Didn’t Think He Had A Chance!
When we started the Kiwi First Home Buyers Group over 10-years ago the aim was to help answer questions that first home buyers have, and over those years it has grown to about 60,000 members and…
What Is A Revolving Credit Mortgage?
A revolving credit mortgage works like a large overdraft or credit card, and mortgage advisers will often use a revolving credit as part of the overall mortgage. What is Revolving Credit?Revolving credit is an account that…
Don’t Get Caught Short With House Insurance Cover
Over recent times we have seen huge increases in building costs, and yet we hear that most Kiwi’s have left their house insurance cover levels at the same as what they were when the policy was…