
Automatically Download Bank Statements

When applying for finance the banks and other lenders require your bank statements in a particular format. This has always been a problem as the different banks have different processes for downloading bank statements and transactions and for this reason we now have this automated option.

Using this system to access your bank statements ensures that we receive what we need.

The system is as simple as logging into your internet banking.

It downloads automatically the current transactions in a format that we can use.

Security Of Your Information

Security is our highest priority and the provider we use is Bankstatements.com.au who do everything possible to ensure that only the best level of security is used for your important information.

When you login to download the bank statements the data sent to the server is encrypted with 256-bit encryption, secured by 2048-bit keys. This is the same level of encryption that the banks use. You can read more details about the security measures here: CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT THE SECURITY

We have provided instructions to help you, but you can always contact us if something is unclear or not working.

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