
Can I use more than one mortgage adviser?

While it is possible to engage more than one mortgage adviser, it’s not really going to benefit you and will often cause issues for the mortgage advisers too.

You are always better to work with just one good mortgage adviser (or a mortgage broking business) as they should have access to a good range of lenders and can therefore source you the best options.

If you are using more than one broker then they will often submit your application to the same lenders, causing frustration for both the brokers and lenders as the broker has spent time to prepare the applications, they will most likely be presented differently and the lender will only spend time on one application anyway – often the first application received rather than the best prepared.

The same issue occurs when people go straight to the banks. The bank staff are likely to have presented differently and if declined it takes a lot of extra effort for the mortgage adviser to get the bank to overturn their decision and approve the application.

It is also important to understand that most mortgage advisers only get paid on success, and therefore will most likely prioritise those people who work with them exclusively.

As professional mortgage advisers the team at Mortgage Managers will only work exclusively.


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