
How do I get a home rescue loan?

When people get into trouble with their mortgage repayments they may start to ask what a home rescue loan is and how do I get a home rescue loan.

A home rescue loan is not a specific loan, but a loan designed to rescue your home from being sold.

When the bank or lender issues a demand for payment they will give you a set time frame to get your mortgage repayments up to date before taking further action towards a mortgagee sale.

If this happens you need to contact a mortgage adviser as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Sometimes the cost of a home rescue loan can be quite expensive, but it may be the only option to save your home from being sold.

Getting onto things early will generally give you more options, so don’t procrastinate or bury your head in the sane.

Contact a good mortgage adviser that deals with banks and non-bank lenders to get the best advice.

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