
Good New Zealand Mortgage Brokers Help Real Estate Agents

With all of the new rules being introduced there has become a demand for good New Zealand mortgage brokers to help real estate agents and their buyers cut through the various rules and bank policies to ensure that the sales can still be made.

How Can Good New Zealand Mortgage Brokers Help?

There are many ways how a mortgage broker can help real estate agents, but just in the same way that there are good and not so good real estate agents, there are some very good and some pretty average mortgage brokers too.

Of course, a real estate agent does not want an average mortgage broker trying to assist their customers – a real estate agent whats a good New Zealand mortgage broker that knows what they are doing and can therefore get the loans approved so that the sale can go through.

Lets consider what a good mortgage broker can do.

Offer good advice – a good mortgage broker will always offer people good advice and while there are times that the advice might not be what the people want to hear, the advice needs to be good and comply with the mortgage brokers ethical requirements.

Plain language – too often the banks talk at a level that people do not understand. While mortgage brokers can also use big words that people generally do not understand, a good New Zealand mortgage broker will keep this simple so everyone understands.

Prompt service – people expect answers quickly and while there are often delays with the banks and other non-bank lenders, a good New Zealand mortgage broker is able to control their own time and meet with people at times that suit, plus they will have good contacts within the various banks and lenders so they can bypass the general desks where the delays happen.

Options – it is very important that a mortgage broker has options, but a lot of “so called” brokers have a preferred lender. With the recent changes in the lending rules it has become more important than ever to have options, especially when the banks credit policies differ so much as in the new build finance for investors.

Be creative – not all finance applications are simple and a good New Zealand mortgage broker can be creative and find solutions that work.

Face up when needed – sometimes a mortgage broker needs to “tell it like it is” and this is not always popular; however it might be the best advice and it might need to be said.

Getting the best deals – some people expect that this should be at the top of the list of what mortgage brokers do; however there is a lot of other things that a broker can do to ensure they are helping both real estate agents and their customers with finance.

Keep helping – getting finance is one thing, but managing the ongoing finances is something that good New Zealand mortgage brokers do.

good New Zealand mortgage brokers

How To Find A Mortgage Broker

At The Mortgage Supply Company our team are recognised as some of New Zealand’s best mortgage brokers.

This definitely helps our clients as we are recognised by the banks and non-bank lenders as doing a professional job for our clients and have the skills for preparing the mortgage applications. This means with many lenders we get priority service levels and this means faster and better mortgage approvals for the client.

Finding a mortgage broker is not to difficult, but a good real estate agent needs to ensure that they are getting good mortgage brokers to help their customers.







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