
House Insurance | Estimated Rebuild Cost Calculator

Many people are concerned about the cost of house insurance, however at claim time it is the quality of the cover that becomes more important as well as what your insurance company will pay.

Have you checked how much your house is insured for?
Do you know what your policy covers, or more importantly what it doesn’t cover?

With most policies you need enough cover to pay for a complete rebuild. If you need to make a claim and you don’t have enough cover, you will have to pay for the difference between the cover and total rebuild cost yourself.

House insurance covers the cost of rebuilding or repairing your home if it is damaged or destroyed. External garages, garden sheds and fences are also covered, as is the cost of replacing things like pipes, cables and drains. The costs of demolition, site clearance, and architects’ fees are also covered by house insurance.

Commonly throughout New Zealand, most people need to claim on their house insurance when there is loss or damage caused by:

  • An earthquake
  • A fire
  • A flood
  • Vandalism
  • Theft causing property damage (i.e. broken windows)
  • Frozen and burst pipes
  • Fallen trees
  • Land subsidence (i.e. sea-facing properties)

Of course many insurance claims are for smaller amounts, but some are for the full loss of your house.

Get A House Insurance Quote

Now that you have an idea of what you should insure your home for, it’s time to get a quote and see how this compares to what you might currently be paying.

Get A Quote Now – House Insurance & Other Covers

Please complete all fields that you can to ensure that we can offer you the most competitive quotes. You can upload any existing cover that you have (not required) so we can compare apples with apples. You can save money on your insurance premiums by using a larger excess. Please let us know your preference in the notes below.

What Insurances Are Needed?
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