
Spring Clean On A Budget

It’s that time of the year … Spring.

In New Zealand we believe that Spring means more hours of sunlight, lambs bouncing in the paddocks and daffodils too.

What it also means is getting out the BBQ and finding it needs a major clean.

The fact is after a dark and wet winter  most of the house and garden needs a spring clean.

Spring – A Time To Clean House and Soul

Most of us do not really enjoy the cleaning, but at least a spring clean is about freshening up the house and garden ready for the summer months. A time to open the windows and let the light back into the house, and to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

Throughout history there have been festivals that celebrate spring regardless when spring comes – September in the Southern Hemisphere and March in the Northern Hemisphere.

From cherry blossom-gazing and bonfire-lighting to singing and dancing, each nation celebrates the season in its own way.

However you welcome spring, there is no denying that these is a feeling of rejuvenation in the air at this time of year.

So let’s get prepared…

Spring Cleaning Your Home

So it’s time to spring clean the home.

That means putting some time aside, and also checking that you have all of the cleaners that you “need” for your clean up.

But there are so many cleaning products available and they are not cheap. Most of us would prefer to use the natural eco-friendly products which are becoming more common, but that makes choosing even harder and those products are even more expensive.

If you really want to look after the planet and your budget then why not make your own cleaning products using the four brilliant and inexpensive ingredients.

Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda

These are all “earth friendly” ingredients that you can use as your new cleaning products, and inexpensive too.

They can be used to clean most household surfaces and have many other uses too.

If you want to save money and do your bit for the environment then have a look at this book.

Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda by Shea Zukowski.

This book is packed with recipes and tips for using those basic ingredients to clean practically anything.

It’s provides a brief history on the four ingredients and explains how they work.

It then explains how they can be used for cleaning with specific sections for the kitchen, laundry, personal and household uses and also uses for outdoors and even pets.

There are even some activities designed for the kids.

Invest In Knowledge Rather Than Spend On Cleaners

You can be like most people and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars each year on cleaning products.

Or, you can purchase this book and learn how to make use of Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda to make your own effective, earth friendly and inexpensive cleaning products for your home.

As financial advisers that look at peoples budgets and help people pay mortgages off faster we know what we would suggest.

Try to spring clean on a budget this year with Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda by Shea Zukowski.

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